Köln: 04.–06.06.2024 #thetirecologne

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Sail Line Global Logistics - Professioneller Logistikdienstleister für Reifen

 Young Sail Line was founded in 2016 in Qingdao, China and has grown very quickly, with five offices in China, two offices in Thailand and Vietnam, one in Dubai and four in Europe, including Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK. Today, Sail Line has almost 300 employees, an annual turnover of 160,000 TEU in 2022 and also its own warehouse in the Netherlands to serve tire customers in particular.

With a focus on the European tyre market, Sail Line has worked with a whole range of tyre customers in both the EU and the UK. We are proud to provide integrated and customized logistics solutions for tire customers:

1. Process shipments exported from all major ports of China and Southeast countries, such as Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Taiwan, as well as the Middle East and Turkey.

2. Logistics partner of most tire manufacturers in China, with nearly 30,000 tire containers shipped per year

3. Competitive sea freight with the headquarters of the shipping companies, also with guaranteed place in the high season

4. Focus on the European market and meet customers' different requirements for logistics - transit time, leisure, delivery, storage, etc. Sail Line is committed to becoming a logistics expert for your tire logistics.

Welcome to our booth @ Hall 8.1, No. A-044-B-049 at The Tire Cologne 2024.

Zum Pressefach von Sail Line Logistics GmbH

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